Een Uur Cultuur: Interview @ NPO Radio1
On 20 May, Julian Hetzel was a guest at Een Uur Cultuur on NPO Radio1 to talk about SPAfrica.
Een Uur Cultuur (an hour of culture) is a weekly radio show on Saturday and Sunday mornings, from 06:00 to 07:00. Presented Teddy Tops, it offers a preview of what there is to see, listen, read, taste and visit in the upcoming week.
In this episode, we talked about he Dutch premiereĀ of SPAfrica at Theater Kikker as part of the SPRING Festival Utrecht.
SPAfrica is a performance in collaboration with Swiss/Sout Africa performer Ntando Cele about empathy and extractivism. A project that explores how capitalism is connected to racism.
Sunday 21 May, 20:30 (premiere sold-out)
Monday 22 May, 20:30
Tuesday 23 May, 20:00